Walter Noordzij
In my profession as a nuclear medicine physician, I’m involved in both clinical and scientific applications of nuclear medicine and radiology modalities. My main interests include haematology, general oncology, radio-immunotherapy, and especially the implementation of new therapeutic strategies. Currently, I have a special interest in imaging post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease, as well as radio-immunotherapy in chemotherapy refractory (non)-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
Increased individual workload for nuclear medicine physicians over the past years: 2008-2023 data from The Netherlands
Published in: Annals of Nuclear Medicine
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OBJECIVE: To investigate temporal trends in the individual workload of nuclear medicine physicians at a large tertiary care academic center between 2008 and 2023. METHODS: This study analyzed the reporting workload of nuclear medicine physicians in a large tertiary care academic center in The Netherlands on 36 unique (randomly sampled) calendar days, for each year between 2008 and 2023. The average daily departmental workload (measured with relative value units) was calculated for each year between 2008 and 2023. The individual workload was calculated by dividing the average daily...
Asaad A H Amasha, Ömer Kasalak, Andor W J M Glaudemans, Walter Noordzij, Rudi A J O Dierckx, Klaas-Pieter Koopmans, Thomas C Kwee
Clinical Performance Comparison of a Long Versus a Short Axial Field-of-View PET/CT Using EARL-Compliant Reconstructions
Published in: Molecular Imaging and Biology
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PURPOSE: To ensure comparable PET/CT image quality between or within centres, clinical inter-system performance comparisons following European Association of Nuclear Medicine Research Ltd. (EARL) guidelines is required. In this work the performance of the long axial field-of-view Biograph Vision Quadra is compared to its predecessor, the short axial field-of-view Biograph Vision. PROCEDURES: To this aim, patients with suspected tumour lesions received a single weight-based (3 MBq/kg) 2-deoxy-2-[ 18F]fluoro-D-glucose injection and underwent routine clinical ( ∼ 15 min) scans on the Vision and 3-min scans on the Quadra in...
Ultrashort Oncologic Whole-Body [18F]FDG Patlak Imaging Using LAFOV PET.
Published in: Journal of nuclear medicine : official publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine
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Methods to shorten [ 18F]FDG Patlak PET imaging procedures ranging from 65-90 to 20-30 min after injection, using a population-averaged input function (PIF) scaled to patient-specific image-derived input function (IDIF) values, were recently evaluated. The aim of the present study was to explore the feasibility of ultrashort 10-min [ 18F]FDG Patlak imaging at 55-65 min after injection using a PIF combined with direct Patlak reconstructions to provide reliable quantitative accuracy of lung tumor uptake, compared with a full-duration 65-min acquisition using an IDIF. Methods: Patients underwent a 65-min dynamic PET...
[15O]H2O PET: Potential or Essential for Molecular Imaging?
Published in: Seminars in Nuclear Medicine
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Imaging water pathways in the human body provides an excellent way of measuring accurately the blood flow directed to different organs. This makes it a powerful diagnostic tool for a wide range of diseases that are related to perfusion and oxygenation. Although water PET has a long history, its true potential has not made it into regular clinical practice. The article highlights the potential of water PET in molecular imaging and suggests its prospective role in becoming an essential tool for the 21st century precision medicine in different...
Riemer H J A Slart, T Samara Martinez-Lucio, Hendrikus H Boersma, Ronald H Borra, Bart Cornelissen, Rudi A J O Dierckx, Magdalena Dobrolinska, Janine Doorduin, Paola A Erba, Andor W J M Glaudemans, Bruno Lima Giacobbo, Gert Luurtsema, Walter Noordzij, Joyce van Sluis, Charalampos Tsoumpas, Adriaan A Lammertsma
Impact of patient motion on parametric PET imaging
Published in: European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
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Alessia Artesani, Joyce van Sluis, Johannes H van Snick, Laura Providência, Walter Noordzij, Charalampos Tsoumpas