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Lydia Visser

My research in the Pathology department is mainly focused on immunological aspects of B-cell lymphoma. I study interactions of tumor cells with the microenvironment, and signaling pathways in Hodgkin lymphoma and non-Hodgkin lymphomas.

Plasma vesicle miRNAs for therapy response monitoring in Hodgkin lymphoma patients
Published in: Insight : the journal of the American Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurses
BACKGROUND. Cell-free circulating nucleic acids, including 22-nt microRNAs (miRNAs), represent noninvasive biomarkers for treatment response monitoring of cancer patients. While the majority of plasma miRNA is bound to proteins, a smaller, less well-characterized pool is associated with extracellular vesicles (EVs). Here, we addressed whether EV-associated miRNAs reflect metabolic disease in classical Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL) patients. METHODS. With standardized size-exclusion chromatography (SEC), we isolated EV-associated extracellular RNA (exRNA) fractions and protein-bound miRNA from plasma of cHL patients and healthy subjects. We performed a comprehensive small RNA sequencing analysis and...
Monique A J van Eijndhoven, Josée M Zijlstra, Nils J Groenewegen, Esther E E Drees, Stuart van Niele, S Rubina Baglio, Danijela Koppers-Lalic, Hans van der Voorn, Sten F W M Libregts, Marca H M Wauben, Renee X de Menezes, Jan R T van Weering, Rienk Nieuwland, Lydia Visser, Anke van den Berg, Daphne de Jong, D Michiel Pegtel
Studying the role of oncogenic mir-24-3p in hodgkin lymphom
Y. Yuan, J. Kluiver, J. Koerts, D. de Jong, Bea Rutgers, A. Diepstra, Lydia Visser, Anke Berg, van den
Mutations in CD58 and MYB in Hodgkin Lymphoma
F.R. Abdul Razak, A. Diepstra, D. Jong, J. Koerts, B. Rutgers, J. Kluiver, Lydia Visser, Anke Berg, van den
Mid-treatment TARC and mid-treatment FGD-PET predict for progression free survival in classical hodgkin lymphom
Functional analysis to elucidate the susceptibility mechanisms of SNPs at the REL, GATA3 and TCF3 Loci in classical Hodgkin Lymphoma
Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) revealedsignificant associations for SNPs mapping at the REL, GATA3 andTCF3 loci with cHL susceptibility. In this study, we aim to elucidatethe susceptibility mechanism of these associations by establishingpossible expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) effects. Methods.EQTL analysis was performed in EBV transformed lymphoblastoidcell lines (LCLs) generated from 96 controls and 70 former cHLpatients as well as in three previously published large gene expressionstudies of HRS cells and total HL tissue samples. Results. An eQTLeffect for REL was found using cHL total tissue array data...