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Andor Glaudemans
prof. dr.

I am a nuclear medicine specialist and always trying to implement innovative diagnostic and therapeutic methods in imaging. My main research interests involve infectious and inflammatory diseases, tumor-immunology, and development of new-targeted diagnostic tools for PET imaging. The latter focus is carried out in close collaboration with our radiochemists. Within the lymphoma research Groningen team we have a close collaboration with the department of hematology. The research is focused on finding new methods for diagnosis and therapy evaluation in several types of lymphomas. We have a special interest in post-transplant lymphatic disorders (PTLD). Furthermore, we are developing and evaluating several fields of radionuclide therapy, so called theranostics.

The value of 11C-methionine PET in the differential diagnosis between brain tumor recurrence and radionecrosis
Published in: PET and SPECT in neurology
C-methionine (MET) positron emission tomography (PET) is one of the most used nuclear imaging modalities in brain tumors. Because of its characteristics, MET-PET should be able to provide us a high detection rate of brain tumors and good lesion delineation. This book chapter provides a clinical overview of important issues in primary brain tumors, recurrent brain tumors, and brain metastases. The role and dilemmas in neuroimaging are discussed. The working mechanism, scan interpretation, and quantifi cation possibilities of MET-PET are explained. An overview is given of the role...
Andor W.J.M. Glaudemans, Roelien H. Enting, Martinus Heesters, Ronald van Rheenen, Rudi Dierckx, Riemer Slart
Other PET Tracers for Neuroendocrine Tumors
Published in: PET Clinics
In this article the applicability of (124)I-MIBG and (11)C-5-HTP PET for the detection of abdominal gastro-enteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors is discussed. (124)I-MIBG is a positron-emitting variant of (123)I-MIBG and therefore suited for PET imaging. Due to the better intrinsic characteristics of PET, (124)I-MIBG PET has a higher spatial resolution than (123)I-MIBG and may therefore lead to better lesion detection in patients with neuroblastoma and pheochromocytoma. Research is ongoing to develop (18)F-labeled analogues and to assess its place in staging patients with gastro-enteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors when compared with (18)F-FDOPA and...
Nuclear medicine strategies to image infectious and inflammatory diseases
Consensus over juiste gebruik van nucleair geneeskundige technieken binnen ziekteproces belangrijk Om nucleair geneeskundige afbeeldingstechnieken optimaal te kunnen benutten, is het nodig dat nucleair geneeskundigen consensus bereiken over welke techniek gebruikt wordt op welk moment van de ziekte. Dat stelt Andor Glaudemans in zijn promotieonderzoek. Hij ging daarin na wat de beste manier is om nucleaire scans uit te voeren en te analyseren. Nucleair geneeskundigen zijn medisch specialisten die radioactieve stoffen gebruiken voor het vaststellen en behandelen van ziekten, zoals bijvoorbeeld kanker en infectieziekten. Ze spelen ook een...
Gastrocolocutaneous fistula detected by [F-18]fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography with low-dose computed tomography: a rare iatrogenic complication of colonoscopy
Published in: Endoscopy
Multiagent imaging of inflammation and infection with radionuclides
Published in: Clinical and Translational Imaging
Molecular imaging with single photon- and positron-emitting tracers plays an important role in the evaluation of inflammation and infection. Although supplanted by labeled leukocyte imaging for most indications, gallium-67 remains useful for opportunistic infections, pulmonary inflammation and interstitial nephritis and, when [18F]FDG is not available, spinal infection and fever of unknown origin. In vitro labeled leukocyte imaging is the radionuclide procedure of choice for most infections in immunocompetent patients. When performed for musculoskeletal infection, complementary bone marrow imaging usually is necessary. Recent data suggest that dual time point...