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Andor Glaudemans
prof. dr.

I am a nuclear medicine specialist and always trying to implement innovative diagnostic and therapeutic methods in imaging. My main research interests involve infectious and inflammatory diseases, tumor-immunology, and development of new-targeted diagnostic tools for PET imaging. The latter focus is carried out in close collaboration with our radiochemists. Within the lymphoma research Groningen team we have a close collaboration with the department of hematology. The research is focused on finding new methods for diagnosis and therapy evaluation in several types of lymphomas. We have a special interest in post-transplant lymphatic disorders (PTLD). Furthermore, we are developing and evaluating several fields of radionuclide therapy, so called theranostics.

The round table approach in infective endocarditis & cardiovascular implantable electronic devices infections: Make your e-Team come true
Published in: European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
Paola A Erba, Gilbert Habib, Andor W J M Glaudemans, Jose M Miro, Riemer H J A Slart
PET in Benign Bone Marrow Disorders
Published in: Seminars in Nuclear Medicine
This review aims to describe the current status of benign bone marrow (BM) imaging using PET. BM imaging is important as the BM is not only involved in poiesis of different vital cell lines and. can be affected by primary BM disorders, but it is also frequently affected by several extramedullary diseases. Indications for the use of PET in benign BM disorders are the detection of extramedullary hematopoiesis, evaluation of patients with a discrepancy between BM histology and clinical status, visualizing BM infarctions, location of the optimal site...
Transient thyrotoxicosis during nivolumab treatment
Two patients presented with transient thyrotoxicosis within 2-4 weeks after starting treatment with nivolumab. This thyrotoxicosis turned into hypothyroidism within 6-8 weeks. Temporary treatment with a beta blocker may be sufficient.
The Role of Nuclear Medicine in the Staging and Management of Human Immune Deficiency Virus Infection and Associated Diseases
Published in: Nuclear medicine and molecular imaging
Human immune deficiency virus (HIV) is a leading cause of death. It attacks the immune system, thereby rendering the infected host susceptible to many HIV-associated infections, malignancies and neurocognitive disorders. The altered immune system affects the way the human host responds to disease, resulting in atypical presentation of these disorders. This presents a diagnostic challenge and the clinician must use all diagnostic avenues available to diagnose and manage these conditions. The advent of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has markedly reduced the mortality associated with HIV infection but...
Alfred O Ankrah, Andor W J M Glaudemans, Hans C Klein, Rudi A J O Dierckx, Mike Sathekge
Nuclear Medicine Imaging in Pediatric Infection or Chronic Inflammatory Diseases
Published in: Seminars in Nuclear Medicine
In this review article, we focus on the most recent applications of nuclear medicine techniques (mainly (99m)Tc/(111)In white blood cells (WBC) scan, [(18)F]-FDG-PET/CT, [(18)F]-FDG-PET/MRI, and (99m)Tc-IL-2 scintigraphy) in the study of children affected by peripheral bone osteomyelitis, fungal infections, inflammatory bowel diseases, and type 1 diabetes, owing to recent important published evidences of their role in the management of these diseases. For osteomyelitis in children, both bone scintigraphy and [(18)F]-FDG-PET have a major advantage of assessing the whole body in one imaging session to confirm or exclude multifocal...
Alberto Signore, Andor W. J. M. Glaudemans, Olivier Gheysens, Chiara Lauri, Onofrio A. Catalano