Marcel Nijland
I work as a hematologist and my main focus is on patients with aggressive B-cell lymphomas and CNS lymphomas. My research is centered on the application of novel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies into clinical trials. These include imaging-studies like 18F-FDG-PET, Zr-Brentuximab-PET and Zr-atezolizumab-PET. In addition, I aim to implement novel strategies to measure minimal residual disease, and prognostic gene expression profiles in DLBCL. Linked to this I also focus on mutational analysis to study clonal evolution and prognostic / predictive values of mutations. These studies are carried out in a close collaboration with HOVON and other departments in the UMCG.
Population Pharmacokinetic and Toxicity Analysis of High-Dose Methotrexate in Patients with Central Nervous System Lymphoma
Published in: Clinical Pharmacokinetics
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BACKGROUND: High-dose methotrexate (HD-MTX)-based polychemotherapy is widely used for patients with central nervous system (CNS) lymphoma. The pharmacokinetic (PK) variability and unpredictable occurrence of toxicity remain major concerns in HD-MTX treatment. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to characterize the population PK of HD-MTX in patients with CNS lymphoma and to identify baseline predictors and exposure thresholds that predict a high risk of nephro- and hepatotoxicity. METHODS: Routinely monitored serum MTX concentrations after intravenous infusion of HD-MTX and MTX dosing information were collected retrospectively. Acute event of toxicity (≥ grade...
Anyue Yin, Fleur A de Groot, Henk-Jan Guchelaar, Marcel Nijland, Jeanette K Doorduijn, Daan J Touw, Thijs Oude Munnink, Brenda C M de Winter, Lena E Friberg, Joost S P Vermaat, Dirk Jan A R Moes
Clinical characteristics and survival outcomes of patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma treated with high-dose methotrexate-based polychemotherapy and consolidation therapies
Published in: European Journal of Cancer
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Given the rarity of primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL), evaluations of different high-dose methotrexate-(HD-MTX)-based treatment regimens is sparse. This retrospective, multicenter study evaluates clinical characteristics and outcomes (progression-free, overall and disease-specific survival) after five HD-MTX-based polychemotherapeutic regimens and two consolidation therapies. 346 patients with histologically confirmed PCNSL, treated with ≥ 1 cycle HD-MTX-based strategies (≥3g/m2/cycle) were included. The regimens included MATRIX (HD-MTX, HD-AraC, thiotepa, and rituximab), (R)MBVP±HD-AraC (HD-MTX, teniposide/etoposide, carmustine, prednisolone, ± HD-AraC, ± rituximab), (R)MP (HD-MTX, procarbazine, ± rituximab), and a combination of HD-MTX and HD-AraC....
Fleur A. de Groot, Tim J.A. Dekker, Jeanette K. Doorduijn, Stefan Böhringer, Mirian Brink, Ruben A.L. de Groen, Lorraine M. de Haan, F. J.Sherida H. Woei-A-Jin, Troy Noordenbos, Aniko Sijs-Szabo, Mirjam A. Oudshoorn, King H. Lam, Arjan Diepstra, Liane C.J. te Boome, Valeska Terpstra, Lara H. Bohmer, Alina Nicolae, Eduardus F.M. Posthuma, Lianne Koens, Marc F. DurianJeroen Stavast, Marjolein W.M. van der Poel, Myrurgia Abdul Hamid, Wendy B.C. Stevens, Sjo L.M. van Rooij, Rimke S. Oostvogels, Angelika Mühlebner, Karen J. Neelis, Michiel van den Brand, Thomas Tousseyn, Daan Dierickx, Okke de Weerdt, Aart Beeker, Patty M. Jansen, Marie José Kersten, Josée M. Zijlstra, Martine E.D. Chamuleau, Hendrik Veelken, Jacoline C.E. Bromberg, Marcel Nijland, Joost S.P. Vermaat
Treatment strategies and outcome in relapsed peripheral T-cell lymphoma: results from the Netherlands Cancer Registry
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Optimal treatment in patients with refractory or relapsed peripheral T-cell lymphomas (R/R T-NHLs) is unknown. In this population-based study, outcomes in R/R peripheral T-cell lymphoma not otherwise specified (PTCL NOS), angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL), and anaplastic lymphoma kinase-positive (ALK+) and ALK-negative (ALK-) anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) were evaluated. Patients with PTCL NOS, AITL, ALK+ ALCL, and ALK- ALCL (≥18 years) diagnosed in 2014 to 2019 were identified using the Netherlands Cancer Registry. End points were overall response rate (ORR), progression-free survival (PFS), and overall survival (OS). The...
Mirian Brink, Francien Huisman, Frederik O Meeuwes, Marjolein W M van der Poel, Marie José Kersten, Mariëlle Wondergem, Lara Böhmer, F J Sherida H Woei-A-Jin, Otto Visser, Rimke Oostvogels, Patty M Jansen, Arjan Diepstra, Tjeerd J F Snijders, Gerwin Huls, Joost S P Vermaat, Wouter J Plattel, Marcel Nijland
Detection of circulating tumor DNA in plasma of patients with primary CNS lymphoma by digital droplet PCR
Published in: BMC Cancer
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BACKGROUND: Primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL) are rare mature B-cell lymphoproliferative diseases characterized by a high incidence of MYD88 L265P and CD79B Y196 hotspot mutations. Diagnosis of PCNSL can be challenging. The aim of the study was to analyze the detection rate of the MYD88 L265P and CD79B Y196 mutation in cell free DNA (cfDNA) in plasma of patients with PCNSL. METHODS: We analyzed by digital droplet PCR (ddPCR) to determine presence of the MYD88 L265P and CD79B Y196 hotspot mutations in cfDNA isolated from plasma of...
Outcome of combined modality treatment in first-line for stage I(E) peripheral T-cell lymphoma; a nationwide population-based cohort study from the Netherlands
Published in: Haematologica
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Peripheral T-cell lymphomas (PTCL) comprise a heterogeneous group of mature T-cell neoplasms with an unfavorable prognosis; presentation with stage I(E) disease is uncommon. In clinical practice, an abbreviated chemotherapy treatment regimen combined with radiotherapy (combined modality treatment (CMT)) is commonly used, although evidence from clinical trials is lacking. The aim of this nationwide population-based cohort study is to describe first-line treatment and outcome of patients with stage I(E) PTCL. All newly diagnosed patients ≥ 18 years with stage I(E) anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL), angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL)...
Frederik O Meeuwes, Mirian Brink, Wouter Plattel, Marjolein W M Van der Poel, Marie José Kersten, Mariëlle Wondergem, Lara Böhmer, F J Sherida H Woei-A-Jin, Otto Visser, Rimke Oostvogels, Patty M Jansen, Karen J Neelis, Anne P G Crijns, Laurien A Daniëls, Tjeerd J F Snijders, Joost S P Vermaat, Gerwin A Huls, Marcel Nijland