Anke van den Berg
prof. dr.
I work as a clinical molecular biologist in the department of Pathology. In this function I supervise and implement advanced molecular diagnostic techniques. Within my research line, I focus on the molecular pathogenesis of B-cell Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The specific fields of interest are genomic aberrations, genetic susceptibility, and the role of small and long noncoding RNAs. I have several international collaborations and am PI and co-PI in various projects.
Additional file 4: Table S1. of Single-cell sequencing reveals karyotype heterogeneity in murine and human malignancies
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Overview of single-cell sequencing samples and sequencing statistics. An overview of general sequencing and analysis statistics of the single-cell sequencing data. The number of analysed reads corresponds to the number of uniquely mappable reads used in the copy number annotation pipeline. (XLSX 38 kb)
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Inhibition of the miR-155 target NIAM phenocopies the growth promoting effect of miR-155 in B-cell lymphoma [L1236]
Several studies have indicated an important role for miR-155 in the pathogenesis of B-cell lymphoma. Highly elevated levels of miR-155 were indeed observed in most B-cell lymphomas with the exception of Burkitt lymphoma (BL). However, the molecular mechanisms that underlie the oncogenic role of miR-155 in B-cell lymphoma are not well understood. To identify the miR-155 targets relevant for B-cell lymphoma, we performed RNA immunoprecipitation of Argonaute 2 in Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) cells upon miR-155 inhibition and in BL cells upon ectopic expression of miR-155. We identified 54...
Joost Kluiver (Creator)Izabella Slezak (Creator)Anke van den Berg (Creator)