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Andor Glaudemans
prof. dr.

I am a nuclear medicine specialist and always trying to implement innovative diagnostic and therapeutic methods in imaging. My main research interests involve infectious and inflammatory diseases, tumor-immunology, and development of new-targeted diagnostic tools for PET imaging. The latter focus is carried out in close collaboration with our radiochemists. Within the lymphoma research Groningen team we have a close collaboration with the department of hematology. The research is focused on finding new methods for diagnosis and therapy evaluation in several types of lymphomas. We have a special interest in post-transplant lymphatic disorders (PTLD). Furthermore, we are developing and evaluating several fields of radionuclide therapy, so called theranostics.

Hoogleraar: nieuwe reactor Petten helpt om levens te redden

Media contributions

Netherlands grants permit to new nuclear reactor for medical isotopes

Media coverage

Drie UMCG-onderzoeken krijgen subsidie van KWF

Media coverage

Kopzorgen over een kernreactor: behandeling van anderhalf miljoen kankerpatiënten op het spel

Media coverage

Jaarlijks 129 miljoen staatssteun voor nieuwe kernreactor in Petten, van belang voor kankerpatiënten

Media coverage