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Arjan Diepstra

As a hematopathologist, I work on diagnostics of all types of hematological malignancies using a comprehensive panel of different techniques. Moreover, my main research interest involves Hodgkin lymphoma, with a strong focus on interactions between tumor cells and the microenvironment. In addition, I also have a long standing interest in genetic susceptibility. My areas of expertise are: immunology, tumor cell biology, genetic association studies and molecular diagnostics in pathology. I actively participate in international (EORTC) and national (HOVON) clinical trials.

Supervision of PhD student Marcel Nijland
Period 16-Oct-2019
Examinee Marcel Nijland
Examination held at Faculteit Medische Wetenschappen/UMCG
Degree of Recognition National
micro-RNA screens on effect on immunological characteristics in Hodgkin lymphoma
Period 1-Oct-2020
Examinee Yujia Pan
Examination held at Faculteit Medische Wetenschappen/UMCG
Degree of Recognition Regional
micro-RNA screens on effect on signalling pathways in Hodgkin lymphoma
Period 1-Oct-2020
Examinee Roza Cengiz
Examination held at Faculteit Medische Wetenschappen/UMCG
Degree of Recognition Regional
Evaluation of molecular profiles and micro-environments in lymphoma
Period 1-Sept-2020
Examinee Jessica Rodrigues Plaça
Examination held at Faculteit Medische Wetenschappen/UMCG
Degree of Recognition National
The crucial role of rosetting T cells in Hodgkin lymphoma
Period 1-Sept-2017 → …
Examinee Johanna Veldman
Examination held at Faculteit Medische Wetenschappen/UMCG
Degree of Recognition National